Hello friends,
We have a great update. As many of you know we had to tear about 30 ft. of the exterior south side wall down because it was crumbling. I'm happy to share that we made progress. Most of the wall is built back!
The picture shows the before & the now. The top picture is what we started with (the tear down process) & the bottom picture is where we are now. A huge difference, a step in the right direction!
You're probably wondering where the windows & the bricks are. We are going to put the windows back where they were & don't worry, we will be re-bricking the outside to look just as it did before using the same bricks. We have to wait to re-brick until the weather permits.
We are still unsure of a completion date. We still have quite a ways to go but nevertheless, we are one step closer.
We will update again soon.