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Same day pickup in store available during business hours - LOCAL PICKUP AVAILABLE AT CHECKOUT
Open Dec. 19th-24th: 10-5 & Sunday, December 22nd: 12-5 Closed Dec. 25th, 26th, & 27th
Open Saturday, December 28th from 10am-2pm ~ Hours following TBA
Same day pickup in store available during business hours - LOCAL PICKUP AVAILABLE AT CHECKOUT
Open Dec. 19th-24th: 10-5 & Sunday, December 22nd: 12-5 Closed Dec. 25th, 26th, & 27th
Open Saturday, December 28th from 10am-2pm ~ Hours following TBA
In the winter when the ice comes, on the north side of the store that brick sidewalk can be slippery, so watch out when the ice comes. This is where most customers parked: on the north side. Along this brick wall Dad had a wire (maybe 4 feet high) and fastened Christmas trees to it, for sale.
John Lehman on
Awesome! How well I remember walking this sidewalk that led to Peg’s house that our folks, James and Ann Michael, rented for a few years while restoring the Michael Homestead in the 70’s!
Jeanne Michael Burns on